Australia Storm BookMinutes of the First Ever Australian severe Weather Assoc.Meeting of the 3.12.98 At Telstra Building, Elizabeth Street Sydney Opened: 7.45pm Present: Paul Mossman, Michael Scollay, Jimmy Deguara, Mark Hardy, Paul Graham, David Croan, Michael Bath, Matthew Piper, Matthew Smith. Apol: Don White, Laurier Williams, Jane, Michael Fewings, Anthony Cornelius, James Chambers, Ira Felhberg, Dane Newman, Greg Browning, Nick Sykes, Kevin , Ben Quinn, Steve Baynham, Jacob, Paul M welcomed everybody. It was then discussed what we where all present for. That is an interest in severe weather & more particularly storm chasing. It was then decided that we needed a name that declared what we were all about. Several names were suggested and it was moved and agreed by all that the following names are put to interested people for a people's choice. Storm Chasers Australia SCA Australian Severe Weather Australian Storm Chasers Severe Weather Action It was then agreed that Management positions needed to be elected. President: Paul Mossman Nominated Michael Bath Seconded Jimmy. Michael Bath elected. Vice President: Michael Bath nominated Jimmy Deguara, seconded by everybody. Jimmy Deguara elected. Secretary: Paul Mossman nominated by Michael Bath. Agreed by all. Paul Mossman elected. Treasurer: Michael Scollay nominated by Paul Mossman. Agreed by all. Michael Scollay elected. Moved: That Michael investigates a bank acct. Carried. IT (Computer Officer): to be advertised on the List because people suggested are not present (and we dont want to agree for them!) but suggest possibly 2 people & they are Michael Fewings & Jacob. Agreed that CGI scripting is necessary! IT (Meteorological Officer): Paul Mossman Nominated Mark Hardy & Paul Graham Seconded M Bath. Mark Hardy & Paul Graham IT(Meteorological) Officers. Discussion on what exactly thses people will do. Agreed that they will provide the technical information to all members when required (if possible) and maybe present lectures at seminars. 2 General Committee Members are: Matt Smith & Matt Piper Moved that a person in each state be approached to chair sub-committees in the various States. Mark Hardy leaves meeting at 9.13pm Q re: Und 18's - indemnity. Agreed that it will be taken that they have their parents permission when participating in the Assoc.'s activities. Paul Mossman then moved that we adopt on an interim basis the Dept Fair Tradings "Model rules" for an Assoc. Also noted that this can be changed at any meeting subject to quorum proviso's. The issue of membership fees was raised. There was lengthy discussion regarding discounted fees for students/pensioners etc. but in the end it was agreed that it would be a hard issue to Police and that the fee suggested was a reasonable if not generous fee. Fees: Full: $ 30 Membership will entitle to Publication storm news at least 4 x a year , Access to radar ( as soon as implemented through Assoc. webpage) Domain Name, meetings & shirt. Other Issues. Tasks assigned Management Committee delegates. Jimmy: CGI Access - To Liaise with Michael Fewings. Also check Re: IT Officer. Michael: Bank accts etc. to look into. Domain name. Paul: BOM re: Radar for society, and minutes, Membership form (inc liability.) Incorporation & Name. Matthew S: Chasing up interested people to chair meetings in these centres. Matthew Piper: Survey for name for society. Michael B: Membership pack. Paul G: Liaise with Mark H re: protocol / roles of IT Meteor Officers, Logo competition & avail of data through collection for members (e.g. a common storm report etc.) Jimmy raised a fund-raiser like fines etc. issues. Agreed that we will sort out other issues then fully look at these types of matters. Meeting Closed: 11.10pm Next Meeting Jan 9.1.99 at Venue to be determined after enquiring done by Jimmy.
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